Life Sciences


ServicesWe assess the market, potential partners and complementary products or services. Structure and negotiate strategic alliance agreements, scientific collaborations, bioinformatics software and database distributor and end user licenses, as well as other transactions, from simple to complex, through all phases of the product and service cycle–development, manufacture, commercialization, sales,procurement, compliance and revenue recognition.

We negotiate collaborations with the U.S. Government, academic institutions and non-profits or other entities utilizing appropriated funds. We apply our knowledge of Bayh-Dole, Stevenson-Wydler (Federal Technology Transfer Act), NIH, DoD, DHS, DOE or other applicable regulations, CRADA’s and “other transactions” as well as our years of experience in the valuation and allocation of intellectual property rights to help clients exploit – and at the same time protect – there intellectual property and other assets.

We review grant applications (including cost submissions made according to relevant OMB Circulars and agency regulations); research plans and statements of work; grant award documentation. Advise regarding grants management, reporting and cost principles, as well as intellectual property reporting requirements, as applicable